David Auld


Grideo’s video sharing solution for iOS, Android, and web enables users to create rich content by capturing videos in HD with on-the-fly editing and in-seconds sharing capabilities.

Sneaker Con

Buy. Sell. Everything Sneakers.

2018 Best UX for Product & Best UX Overall | VanUXAwards


Jelato is a modern-day social friending app that connects cool folk nearby on shared interests. Real time chats and events bring jelling to the next level on iOS.


HERO is a mobile platform for getting customers home safe after drinking while incentivizing the process.


feedme is an Android & iOS app built using the FlutterSDK for planning company lunch outings and events

Trused Portable Navigator Multi-Device | T-PN ME

A bluetooth-based real-time navigation system running across multiple devices and wearables.

Trusted Portable Navigator

Using inertial sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers and pressure sensors in mobile or wearable devices, TPN (Trusted Portable Navigator) provides location in areas where wireless systems such as GPS and Wi-Fi are unavailable or inaccurate.

IPL Sport

Advanced motion tracking Android Wear app for CES Las Vegas.


A modified port of the TPN Library to the iOS platform.